Fidget cube

                             A vinyl desk toy                 


Fidget means movements on hands or feet to relieve stress or inconvenience.

It is a simple fidget cube that has six sides. Every side emphasizes something to fidget with:


No need to click that pen anymore. You'll find 3 clicker buttons and 2 silenced buttons on this side design to satisfy the clicker in each of us


You don't have to be a gamer to enjoy the unusually satisfying gliding action of this joystick


Pivot this switch back and forth gently if you're looking to fidget silently, or quickly for a more audible click.

Pivot this switch back and forth gently if you're looking to fidget silently, or quickly for a more audible click.

Say goodbye to stress. The design of this face is inspired by traditional worry stones, tools used to reduce anxiety when rubbed.


The gears and ball on this side are all about
rolling movements (with the ball sporting a built-in click feature).


Looking for a circular fidget? Take this dial for a spin

which makes stress-free and makes a person more active.
the patent comes true finally.


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